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Box Breathing
This handout provides instructions on how to practice mindful breathing using the skill “Box Breathing.”
Butterfly Breath
This handout provides instructions on how to practice an all-ages mindful breathing skill called “Butterfly Breath.”
Family Flags
This handout provides parents with information on how to create a “family flag” – a creative project that describes and symbolizes your family to create a shared identity and name shared values.
Getting to the Green
This handout provides a list of activities that could help adults, parents, children and teens to manage their emotions.
Grounding Orienting Resourcing Tips
This handout explains when, how, and why to use grounding and orienting skills when stress or anxiety are overwhelming.
Motivating with Labeled Praise
This handout provides parents with specific tips on how to motivate and reward children with labeled praise.
Soothing with Our Senses
This handout provides instructions to soothe anxiety or distress with our sense of smell, sound, touch, taste, or sight.
The Feeling Thermometer
This handout explains the Feeling Thermometer for noticing how (and how much) we are feeling. Includes a guide to using it alone or with your family to help build communication around our emotions.